

Feet up, watching the light fade away...Today was lovely, just one of those beautiful days that creep up on us, and all of a sudden we realize how incredibly lucky we are to live our lives the way we want to. Nothing crazy or monumental had to happened to create this perfect day, it just felt good. Breakfast at the new local spot, laughter and friendship, canine friends that always make me smile, working in the studio, the perfect song coming on and making me sing and dance a little in my seat, driving home watching the light turn everything into a glowing version of its usual self, and finally taking a cold shower to rinse off the days desert dust , and put my feet up to watch the colors fade away. 


How Desert Babes Accessorize

Last weekend my friend Kime hosted a trunk show with jewelry designer Solee Darrell at her shop The End, an eclectic vintage boutique and gallery here in old town Yucca Valley.  Solee snapped this picture of Kime and Susan showing off their ring collections.  I love this shot and seeing all these great pieces mixed together.  These ladies have the most incredible style and I'm honored that they wear my work, it's so fun to see them enjoying so thing I made!!!  There are a few of my rings in there and a couple from Solee Darrell Jewelry, mixed with vintage pieces from their personal collections.  

This picture makes me all kings of happy.



I've been working my fingers to the bone this week! Today I'm closing in on finishing up quite a bit of new work, it feels great to be working hard, and settling into the new studio.  I'm currently drinking iced coffee and eating leftover green beans from last nights dinner...also enjoying a little break from the heat in AC.  Summer is almost over out here in the hot hot desert, the nights and mornings feel a bit cooler and I couldn't be more ready for fall!!

Happy Friday!
