

When I'm feeling overwhelmed with thoughts, like I need to brain dump all the things in my head, they often don't come out right.  I'll spend an hour writing a long post of all my worries, my dreams, my insane internal musings.  Then I'll read it over and decide it's not worth sharing, or it's just too negative, or too whiny, or too whatever...So I'll write a Haiku instead!

I see the numbers
Days come and gone so quickly
Life on fast forward

I take my sweet time
When I should be pressing on
Dreams don't build themselves

Like sand through fingers
The dates on the page pass by
I'm left feeling late

I should, I will...what?
Wait until the perfect time
As though it's out there

There is only now
And she's a fleeting mistress
But soon, now is past

All I seem to have
Is a head full of ideas
And little work done

Time for a jump start
I want to shed the old ways
Start anew with LOVE

In other randomness, below are a few snaps from the past week...

I love it when the clouds roll in like this...

Planning, plotting, dreaming, scheming, building, forging, hoping...

Insaaaane foliage on my walk with Max

Stalking my favorite old houses in one of HNL's oldest neighborhoods

I love it when the palm trees are planted in a straight line like this,
something about it seems so formal and regal.  I know they take a long time to get that
tall and it makes me think of what the property must have looked like when they
were planted.

We used to live around the corner from this house, I would walk by slowly and try to sneak a peek
inside.  What you can't tell here is that the property is HUGE.  This tree is GINORMOUS, there's a huge
fish pond, and circular driveway, and all of those clumps up in the tree are clusters of
Staghorn Ferns...It's seriously like something out of a dream.  I took Max for his walk yesterday and
for some reason I wanted to go back and visit this house, and my old neighborhood.  It was about 8 degrees cooler
up there, a thin layer of clouds and a perfect breeze...It was a lovely break from the hotness at home.

We had another commune dinner last night, good people, good conversation, many belly
laughs, and lots of dogs.  Also I got a lesson in red wine that has sparked my interest...
A bit of well placed information can really make you appreciate something
you thought you never cared to learn about.

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