
Do Overs!

This morning I woke up at 415 am, made some tea, got a steamy shower going and woke up Joe to head out to the airport for my flight to Cali...BUT my flight was cancelled!  Bla Bla Bla, an hour of waiting in line, two phone calls to the airline, a phone call to my mom in PS, two calls home to tell Joe what was going on, and a decision to just wait till tomorrow to make the trip.

So, I will be starting my vacation a day late...No biggie, there are worse things that could happen...like being one lady I saw in line with a broken arm, TONS of baggage, and twin boys age 6 or 7.  She was obviously distraught and was in tears as her boys were throwing juice boxes and would not get off the baggage scale. So to her and all the other peeps in line with me this morning, I'm sending you patience, positivity and deep breaths.

This trip feels long overdue, It has been almost two years since I've seen my family which is way to long for us!   I'm heading to Palm Springs to have some much needed time with the parentals, we will be driving to LA to meet up with more family and friends and have a Passover celebration!  We are far from being religious, it's simply the tradition of the gathering that I love so much and it's been years since we have shared a tradition like this!  I am also lucky enough to be going to Studio DeLucca in Long Beach for a day of silversmithing instruction!  This is really the icing on the cake, I am absolutely so freakin' excited to be able to do this...

For me this was not a super stressful situation, I chose to keep perspective and know that I am lucky enough to live nearby and have friends who can pick me up within a few minutes...so here i sit, in my living room planning what to do with my bonus day at home, here's what it looks like so far...
1.  Leisurely coffee and chatting with the homiez at one of our favorite spots.
2.  Perhaps a trip to the beach.
3.  Most likely a nap on that beach since I woke up at 415am!

Hoping your Monday treats you right!

1 comment:

  1. Love this post! The pictures are fantastic. Wishing I was there with you, send love to mom and pops!
