
Rainy Day Haiku

Thunder crashes here
Camping weekend still to come?
Rain can't keep me home

It's been a stormy mess since last night
I fear our campsite will welcome us with mud this time around,
 I just can't decide how much that matters...

This has happened before, and we decided to roll with it.
There were muddy feet, muddy tents, 
sad muddy dogs, lots of wetness all around...


Maybe we'll just have to have another mud body painting party
and a few extra beers to keep us warm...not so bad!


  1. Sierra,

    I would pay a lot right now to simply be muddy in Hawaii - GO.
    Have a blast :)

    Chilly and overcast in San Jose,

  2. Muddy camping is so fun! Except if you're Mr. P...he wasn't so down...
    I'll be spending the weekend shoehorned in the Corrolla traversing the wilds of montana, south dakota wisconsin....Chicago, here we come! Have fun at Malekahana and give Makai a kiss from his momma if you see him swimming around. :)


  3. M~I'll send ocean smooches to your boy! Thanks for commenting!

    A~Oh, we're going, not to worry!
