
Check out those smiles...now that's some good sisterhood reunion right there!!!  It just so happens that I got to have double reunion time with this fine lady...She was in Hawaii for a visit before I went to Seattle, and then I got to see her again when I arrived in town!!!!
We brunched, we chatted, we chased babies around the yard, and had many a glass of wine by the lake...(none of which I captured in pictures because we were too busy enjoying ourselves!)

she was clearing out some "stuff" from her dad's old house and this was in the barn...

Some of my best memories of this trip were just cruising around in the car with my homey Adam...singing at the top of our lungs to those songs that make you grin from ear to ear with memories of the "olden days" of friendship!

You know it's a good one when the finger comes out for extra car-singing emphasis!

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